Digital Beijing Opera Stronghold 2 Powerade Suppleness Anatomy TV Eden

Commercial Mocap Project Examples:

Digital Beijing Opera (Pilot #2)
Full production from Mocap to Render
MotionBuilder, Maya
1:08, 36MB, Quicktime (mov)

Stronghold 2 (PC) by Firefly Studios
SH2 Trailer video, mocap was used
for this, in-game chars and cut scenes.
2:06, 73MB, Quicktime (mov)

Powerade (TV) by UpTheResolution
Advert using various sports moves,
inc. an Olympic marathon runner.
0:30, 8MB, Quicktime (mov)

Stretch It Out by Wow Media
Warming up exercise routine captured,
for a travelling UK exhibit.
0:37, 11MB, Quicktime (mov)

Anatomy TV by Primal Pictures
Anatomical simulation of muscle use
whilst performing various motions.
0:40; 27MB, Quicktime (mov)

Eden by John Butler
Animated TV short using mocap,
which was shown on Channel 4.
2:56, 23.4MB, Quicktime (mov)

Mocap Videos Intro Student Work #1 Student Work #2 Student Work #3